After more than a year's break I upgraded SG Pro from 2.3.14_2531 to 2.5.16. Everything works fine except for cooling the Atik 383L+ to the desired set point. No matter what the set point the camera cools to 0C only. My favored temp is -10C and the ambient was +20C.
I have the latest Atik Driver and ASCOM V 6.2. Attached are log files for SGPro and the Ascom.Atik:
sg_logfile_20160630201706.txt (24.7 KB)
ASCOM.Atik.1954.426280.txt (275.9 KB)
By the way ArtemisCapture, the bundled software from Atik, sets the camera to the -10C just fine with the same driver.
I found a similar problem in this thread: http://forum.mainsequencesoftware.com/t/camera-has-stopped-cooling/2788/33 . However that issue seems to have been resolved. Is this a recurrence or something new?