The dither isn't tied to a filter change event. I was meaning that I would not reset any dither count during a filter change. For instance lets say you're doing 4 images of 2 filters and dithering every 3 images. With a mono you get:
Red Image
Red Image
Red Image
---- Dither
Red Image
Blue Image
Blue Image
---- Dither
Blue Image
Blue Image
You'd probably expect:
Red Image
Red Image
Red Image
--- Dither
Red Image
**** Filter change. Reset image/dither counter
Blue Image
Blue Image
Blue Image
--- Dither
Blue Image
With OSC you get a more pure "3 images per dither" as you're not expecting the "images count" to be reset. Essentially I'm saying that the images count will not be tied to an event or even a target. It will dither every X frames as you specify and won't care what the event is. If it would normally have triggered a dither previously it will get added to the overall images.
Hope that helps,