Thanks Jared. I double checked Lat/Lon, but who knows, maybe I blew it twice, so I'll check a third time when I power on tonight. I also double checked time in PC and Mount and just to make sure I was not nuts and somehow flipped the sign on the UTC delta I checked it on my CEM60 mount. It reads UTC -360min which matches the UTC - 6 hours I set in the GM1000HPS. I guess I'll have to double check the sign of that number tonight. I could find no switch in the mount or driver for setting hemisphere so I assume the mount derives this -- after all given Lat/Lon it has all the info it needs to do so.
I did disable meridian flip -- after all, I had to to continue because a resume caused SGP to attempt a flip, which the mount refused (as was proper). The "time to meridian" remained negative almost 4 hours and the computed time for the flip, unsurprisingly, was in the past. Surprisingly the "time to meridian" did not change as the night wore on. So, if it is computing it it has either been limited by some MIN or the computation does not involve the current time -- which seems impossible.
I suppose a possible complicating factor is the mount will track and slew 30˚ past the meridian and go weights up. I have disabled that via mount settings since I did not want to fuss with that until I was comfortable with "normal" operation before I worked out what I could allow with my gear while avoiding mount crashes. I remember I also double checked that those settings were in place last night. IIRC I set it to go 1˚ past the meridian.
In answer to Dennis's subsequent note. I was not using any other program like Stellarium that might be talking to the mount except the 10Micron software hand controller. I will try shutting that off tonight and see if it imapacts the behavior, but that seems like a long shot since I assume 90+% of 10Micron users use it and there must be some 10Micron SGP users out there -- certainly John Wainwright, whose I am using.
Thank you all for taking the time to help me sort this out. I am loving the 10Micron, but I clearly have some things to work out