sorry, here is the log snippet
[7/19/2016 10:56:19 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] TEMP - Current Event2: 0
[7/19/2016 10:56:19 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Checking if Meridian Flip is needed
[7/19/2016 10:56:19 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Telescope is on the West side of the mount
[7/19/2016 10:56:19 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Meridian Flip not needed, Hour Angle < Degrees Past To Flip: -39.255375 < 0
[7/19/2016 10:56:19 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] TEMP - Current Event3: 0
SGP thinks time to meridian flip is -3:59:31 and it is not changing