I'm probably jumping the gun here, since we're now in a Midwest monsoon. A couple nights back, I saved a sequence while my imaging was going on in SGP. I labelled it AGO FLI. Previously it was called SEQ 2. The next night when I went to use the newly created sequence, I had a similar occurrence that rgbtxus is reporting here. Time to Meridian flip was showing and not Time to Pier Flip............-2.22hrs. This time did not change thru out the evening and after the first image was completed, a pier flip was attempted and failed of course. That's when I noticed the lower right hand window showing the odd ball time to pier flip. I then turned off auto meridian pier flip and continued to image through the session. At pier flip time I ran a manual flip and all imaging continued for the rest of the session. I am using Per's 10u driver.
What I now think could be happening is that the time from the mount and saving the live run sequence may have screwed up the newly created sequence. My reasoning is as follows:
1.) The Sequence 2 (SEQ 2) file does not report the time error that the AGO FLI SEQ shows.
2.) Yesterday, before the rains set in, I ran both sequences with equipment connected. SEQ. 2 showed time to pier flip. AGO FLI SEQ. showed the exact same time error and reported time to meridian flip, not time to pier flip.
3.) I have yet to look at the logs for both sessions, so I can't give anymore information for now. Not at that computer. Based on what I have seen in this post and my own experience, it appears that saving a sequence while doing an active imaging session may have contributed to the problem. I have used SEQ 2 successfully for daytime meridian flips with Per's driver, but have yet to use it for an actual evening session involving a meridian flip. When I did use SEQ. 2 it was at a post meridian flip time and all went well.
When the lightening tapers off, I will look at the logs and see if there is a clue presented. I can post the logs if that may help others....................Gunny