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Thought I uploaded this zip file full of log files last night. The zip fil is attached above. Could not find the ascom rigel file. After staying up all night, I finally got some resemblance of a v curve. This was accomplished by just throwing random numbers at sgp backlash and steps. I never could calculate what was suppose to be so easy. So I am sure it is no where near perfect but itresembles a v curve. With that somewhat working, I autofocused, ran the sequence, it plate solved, appeared to be ready to start the image but just sat there. The progress bar showed no progress, the time to completion stayed the same, never moved but the elapsed time counted up. It appeared to have started phd2 as it was running. Tried and tried with same results, stopped just short of imaging.
Autofocused again, shutdown SGP, started BYEOS and took a couple images before going to bed at 4:30 am