Here we have two fit files, one taken by SGP and one taken by EZCap-QT v0.1.3.0:
Same exposure, same gain, same filter, same target. Maybe 20 min apart.
You can clearly see the target (M97) and stars in the EZCAP fit, but not in the SGP.
It feels like there is something wrong with the QHYCCD ASCOM dirver as to gain on the minicam? Something is clearly off.
This is (one reason) why I can't use SGP with this camera. nothing will plate solve, etc. Using the either EZCap or EZplanitary, with everything else being equal, I can take images and plate solve them in AstroTortilla.
In SGP I'm using local with the same data files as AT, and when given a "good" image it does solve, but I can't get good images in SGP with this camera.
I'm stuck.