I'm not sure that I have what's needed. I setup in my backyard, (too much light, too many trees, WAY too many mosquitos, and severe thunderstorms headed this way), and sort of rushed through setting up the scope. The error I got this time was a failure to sync or rotate, I'm not sure that's the same as last time. But I do have a trace from the MoonLite driver, so there's that.
SGP Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8WLV-uvuJEOQXA5NVM1UFBfWE0
MoonLite Log: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B8WLV-uvuJEOTWQxUnZqWFVvcEU
As I say, this evening's attempt may be suffering from some other error, so don't kill yourselves on it. I mean, I can see some of the same stuff, but I think it had some kind of comm error, this time.