Hello, I'm new to SGPro and astronomy/imaging in general. This software is amazing. I have installed the ansver server and image files and I'm able to solve photos in less than a minute, wow!! I was ready to fork out $$$ for Theskyx Pro until I stumbled across this setup.
My goal is for total automation so I can hit the hay while my system images throughout the night (I'm a day person and nights are cold up here in Canada )
I have a Bhatinov mask arriving in the mail...I'm wondering if I set my focus and lock i,t if I will be able to get satisfactory through the night, or will my focus need constant adjustments between exposures, and targets? I just spent a small fortune on mount, scopes, cameras, etc and I'd like to suspend purchasing (aside from this software) until the spring.
My equipment is SW Esprit 100ED, EQ6, Modified Canon T2i, 60mm guide scope with zwo asi120mm camera, SGPro, and PHD2.