You sure don't get it, and guess what, that's totally fine! I don't get why you wouldn't want it, and that's fine too! That's why it's a choice.
What INDI fills is the massive hole in ASCOM related to distributed connectivity. ASCOM was a godsend and unified the control and behavior of all our gadgets and devices and made everything easy!... until we wanted to do it across the network. INDI was designed from the ground up with that in mind.
It sounds like you have your working system, so you're set, and as a bonus you don't have to throw the current progress up in the air! But suggesting that exploring alternate methodologies and technologies is a waste of time because it "divides the effort and outlay" is depressingly short sighted. Consider INDI to be healthy competition for ASCOM, addressing a need that hasn't been met. Perhaps this'll spur the ASCOM working group to design in transparent network distribution for the next major release!
If the SGP devs choose to disregard INDI support as a potential new feature, oh well... it was worth a shot and it doesn't hurt to suggest a feature request! When future software is inevitably released that does support it, myself and others may choose to use that instead (if it's a worthy replacement for SGP). Yay, competition!
I can totally appreciate you want to spend more time imaging. I do to. At the same -- and I suspect I'm in the tiny minority -- I enjoy the instrumentation just as much as capturing photons. Getting all this stuff working together smoothly and in the way I want is just as interesting!