For the moment I can't be 100% sure on #2 but I believe that to be correct (I cannot check with the mount just now). But, in any case, that was the basis of me saying I needed it to be like this. In this situation, my mount is accurately synced to the sky and although another move (or two) will be required to get on the spot....those moves will be extremely small. Although you are correct in saying that the mount is no longer actually synced (once moved), the error now will be inconsequential.....not like the error after moving across from the parked position. Bottom line for me is that I still think the way that SGP goes about this part of the routine, suits my situation and I don't have any problem centering on target.
@freestar8n seems to have a particular problem with centering that may or may not be widespread. I would be interested in knowing if others have that same issue, (and if so, they should speak up), because I feel genuinely sorry that this fantastic part of SGP is not available to him/them ......for whatever reason!
Error on Centering has grown significantly