@freestar8n seems to have a particular problem with centering that may or may not be widespread. I would be interested in knowing if others have that same issue, (and if so, they should speak up), because I feel genuinely sorry that this fantastic part of SGP is not available to him/them ......for whatever reason!
Thanks - yes it is frustrating to see the center routine improve things on the first step - and then get stuck some distance away. I know that other people have encountered this, but for different reasons. But I think all of the reasons for this happening could be fixed by making a small change - and optionally syncing the mount during the centering process. I think sync should be treated with more care and not forced on people in the first place. The main places it is used are in centering a target, and before doing a slew from A to B. I don't think it is essential in either case - and it could be bad.
I expect that my problem is one that almost every mount has - but to varying degrees. It is easy to check - if you tell the mount to go to a given ra/dec - then check the mount's own ra/dec values after the slew. Is it exact? A few arc-seconds off? An arc-minute? Any error there will affect sgp's ability to center with sync/slew - and that error can easily be corrected for. And if you correct for it, there is no need to sync - but you still can if you want.
Unfortunately my equipment is out of commission right now so I can't test some things - but I hope to be back up soon.