Hi Mads0100
I currently have two focusers on my setup. the Motofocus for moving the primary mirror and a Optec TCF-S Crayford focuser. The way I do my focusing is that I set the TCF-S steps at the mid point, 3,500 steps. I then do a manual focus using the Motofocus Once I obtain the best focus I can manually with the Motofocus I go the the SGPro Focus Control panel and perform, what I consider a more precise focus. I typically perform maybe 3 or 4 successive back to back focuses just as a sanity check. Typically I see the focus position change anywhere from 100 steps to 300. When Kurious_George suggested this proposal I thought it was a good idea for a possible improvment.
I am by no means an expert at this stuff and I am not a programmer. I look for people like yourself to chime in and if it doesn't make sense or add much value and puts undo work load I'm good with whatever is decided. I was just agreeing with what Kurious_George proposed as maybe an opportunity for a possible improvement to the autofocus that SGPro currently has.
Kind Regards,