Looking for help - first time trying to get SGP to control a Foster Systems AstroMC dome. I can connect to the dome and managed to get it to (eventually) open the shutter - although pressing the "Open Shutter" button doesn't always solicit a response. The "Home" button works. Also, I eventually got the dome to slave seemingly by SGP (ie. in AstroMC the "Dome Slaved" is unchecked, and "AstroMC Manages Dome Az Calculations" is also unchecked).
However, I'm trying to figure out the "Sync" function. I assume I need to uncheck the "Slave to telescope", manually slew the dome to be centered to the OTA using the green left and right arrows, before selecting "Sync". It then asks for an angle and I'm not sure what I should be entering here. Perhaps the new dome Az? I've tried that and other values but as soon as I re-check "Slave to telescope" the dome slews back to its slightly out-of-sync position.
Also - I couldn't get the "Close Shutter" button to do anything.
Appreciate any tips.