I have Starizona Microtouch primary mirror focuser on an Edge HD 1100. I am imaging with a modified Canon 6D full frame DSLR using the 0.7x reducer. I have always done manual focus, but I would like to give the SGP auto focus a try. I am hoping someone with a similar setup could provide some guidance on a good place to start with some of the settings. In particular I am interested in the starting point for the following settings:
Step size - Is 100 a good step size to start with for the microtouch focuser?
Focuser Backlash Compensation - what backlash compensation is recommended with the microtouch focuser on a SCT? I have read elsewhere I may need a backlash comp of 300, but thought I would ask here if that sounds correct. Also, am I correct to assume the compensation direction should be "In"?
What exposure time and ISO should I use with the Canon 6D for focus frames?
Is there a general guideline for Minimum star diameter when using a DSLR?
What other considerations should I consider as I start working through this setup?
Thanks in advance for the help provided.
Andrew J