Well technically the dither is fast but getting back within your bounds for settling is what is taking time. In your case it toook 8 minutes to settle for 5 seconds with a guide error < 1px. PHD2 reports a distance and SGP waits until that distance is < 1px. We'll wait for up to 15 minutes before we decide that the settle has failed. If we determine it has failed then we launch recovery mode.
But we don't have enough insight to know what is "too long". But we're pretty sure that 15 minutes is too long.
I think what would be best in your case, and maybe others, would be something that would check the distance off target prior to starting a frame. Essentially look at the RA/Dec of the scope compared with the target and if it's over your centering tolerance to recenter the object. Unfortunately we would probably want to do this prior to the dither which would have caused you to lose a frame...but everything after would have been decent.