Feature Request - Enhancements to time scheduling
USNO has lots of online ways to generate the data we need. It is used by Cleardarksky.com http://aa.usno.navy.mil/data/docs/RS_OneDay.php I input my location...
View ArticleWhen guiding interrupts
Could we have a feature that captures what's been integrated by the camera when guiding failure stops the sequence? this would be great for us folks in almost permanently cloudy night skies. I'm just...
View ArticlePlate solve problems - scope wont move small amounts, and solve failing
Jared, Thanks, that makes sense. Are there any special log files that might help anyone figure out why I could not plate solve, then I could, then I couldn't? Mark
View ArticleWhen guiding interrupts
We can look into it but probably not. The issue is that the camera would need to support the image being aborted and still being able to be downloaded (most don't). When we request an image it is for...
View ArticlePlate solve problems - scope wont move small amounts, and solve failing
You can find the path to the logs under the help menu in SGP. We can take a look but it could be a number of different things. What solver were you using? ThanksJared
View ArticleTrailed stars captured in SGP with PHD2.6.2
No. It was a sequence run. The logs are an extract of one the issue frame.
View ArticleSGP thinks time to meridian flip is -3:59:31 and it is not changing
Hi Barry, Yes, I do have that checked along with auto center after meridian flip and -5 for time to meridian flip. I've had several nights now where all has gone well with SGP and the 10u mount. Hope...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Sorry, The logs attached look like fragments. Please send the entire SGPro log that shows the issue. Ken
View ArticleFailure with Local Plate Solve (ANSVR)
I am starting to feel like an idiot. *Actually a 71 year old idiot) I just can't get the plate solving to work locally. I do think I have the ANSVR working. Here is the log: [2016-08-28 18:49:42]...
View ArticleFailure with Local Plate Solve (ANSVR)
Have you told SGPro that you are running a non-standard setup? You cannot pick ANSVR from the list because it assumes a standard setup at port 8080. Looks like there is a small bug to fix in that you...
View ArticlePlate solve problems - scope wont move small amounts, and solve failing
I'm using Plate Solve 2. If the data is in the SGP logs, they are posted at http://casazza.net/sgp Thanks, Mark
View ArticleSGP auto focus temperature compensation stopped working
Hi Ken, Well I don't know what happened, but temperature compensation is working perfectly again tonight. No idea what happened, as I made no changes. Sorry for wasting your time. Dean
View ArticleFailure with Local Plate Solve (ANSVR)
Thank you Ken for helping me. I think I almost got it working. I changed the setting to your address and after a few clicks, I would get the configure page every time I clicked setting. I tried a...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Ok, I will do this evening as I don't have access to my computer for now.Sebastien
View ArticleFail to connect to atik EFW2 filter wheel
I have been troubleshooting this issue and I'll PM Jared with some information. Basically the issue is a difference of "1" between the filter number requested by SGP and the filter number returned by...
View ArticleFail to connect to atik EFW2 filter wheel
I'm not sure in my case the problem is the issue of the difference of "1", because even if I don't setup filter list, I can't connect with the wheel.Message error I get when i just try to connect to...
View ArticleAutofocus in a near star field
Hi, I'm currently experiencing some issues with my small field instrument. I'm imaging planetary nebulae, and that completely destroys the autofocus routine, since the planetary nebula is treated as a...
View ArticleFail to connect to atik EFW2 filter wheel
Hello!! I also own an Atik 460EX and EFW2 with 9 Filters. I have experienced issues since I installed the Anniversary Update (Windows 10) and issues have dissapeared installing all drivers as an...
View ArticleWhen guiding interrupts
ok, thanks for considering Jared. btw I used the gear for the first time in 9 months or so last night and Ilike the closer integration of SGP and PHD2. Worked well.best wishesPaul
View ArticleMoravian 16200 CCD can use with SGP?
Hello, I would like to know that SGPro can use with Moravian 16200 CCD or not ? Thank you
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