Manual Rotator not always working
Hey everyone! I am using Sequence Generator Pro since December 2015 and always had a manual rotator setup in my equipment profile. I also connected it properly during startup of my session. Strangely...
View ArticleConnecting starlight xpress camera
I'm not quite sure, but it doesn't hurt to ask for the extension and see. You didn't give us logs.
View ArticleSGPro Feature Request Poll... Vote Now!
fjkeller: My three selections. Hm... OK, I'll see if there is a setting that can make the results available to everyone prior to closing the poll.
View ArticleProblems using pier flip option of SGP with 10Micron Mount
There are a lot of variables involved in a pier flip so we can't be sure. We would need logs showing the reported issue to investigate. How to ask for help Announcements Hi folks, In order to expedite...
View ArticleManual Rotator not always working
Raven: Yeah I thought the same. Only got it once though during the whole time. In the target settings under "Other" the checkbox for "Rotate camera to: XX degrees" is properly checked. Manual rotator...
View ArticleAutofocus ran with wrong filter
There is no log or sgf file attached here so I can only guess... How to ask for help Announcements Hi folks, In order to expedite your requests for help, we politely ask that, before posting, you take...
View ArticleM33 21 hours Edge 9.25 Canon 6D
After getting some sleep I think I was able to do a better job of processing. Here is a revision. Dean M33.jpg3416x2257 2.39 MB
View ArticleFeature Request: Add button to download MFW images for all targets in sequence
Yes, but the MFW already has input for what size image you want to download. I thought Peter was intending his feature request to be for each target in a sequence - ie single image. Rotation would be...
View ArticleCanon DLSR image download hanging
I've upgraded to the latest version of SGP ( on my Windows 10 laptop and found a problem capturing with my Canon EOS 100D DSLR. SGP connects to the camera OK, and LiveView works for frame...
View ArticleSGP and how it handles a lost star from PHD2
Ken, OK, thanks for the reply, it was worth a try to ask, it can get rather frustrating to keep loosing frames this way, I will have to do shorter subs if clouds are likely. Mads0100, the idea of...
View ArticleTime to meridian flip calculation?
i was just watching SGP run; a subexposure ended about 32 minutes before the OTA would reach the meridian. an autofocus run fired off, which believe it or not took 20 minutes (the temperature is...
View ArticleConnecting starlight xpress camera
I will have to look into it first, I dont want a new demo if I cant get it working, i got a feeling the camera should connect so probably got probs with my laptop or settings, CheersPaul
View ArticleAPI calls using example code from documentation fail
Hello BobT, thanks a lot for your help! When I use your code, than the image is not found in my case. I also noticed, that the new RestClient needs some URL in order to work propoerly, but all...
View ArticleSGP and how it handles a lost star from PHD2
There are two ASCOM commands to stop an exposure.AbortExposure() stops the exposure and discards any data.StopExposure() stops the exposure and makes the data available for download. I'm not sure how...
View ArticleM33 21 hours Edge 9.25 Canon 6D
Yes.....I like the second one much more.......nicely done!
View ArticleSGP Failing every night since last week
I guess that could be the problem, the night before the problems started, the telescope didn't return to the park position after finishing the sequence, and also has failed to park some nights...
View ArticleProblems using pier flip option of SGP with 10Micron Mount
Here's a stab at this. Check the 10u forum and make sure you have the latest firmware update. I think it is 2.14.4. I have posted to the forum about the pier flip problems I had with the 2000. You'll...
View ArticleAutofocus ran with wrong filter
Thank you for your reply Ken. Here is the log file: I didn't have AF set to run with the LUM filter, that happened to be...
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