Does not react
Maybe I found a solution!!! SX Camera setup : Ascom Driver setup - Advanced USB Parameters Check: Any model. I wished I knew this 6 months ago!!!
View ArticleDoes not react
I have rejoiced too early, downloading platesolve frame takes many minutes again, what to do??
View ArticleBug in using API for Capturing Image
Ken, I have to apologize. Your right, doesn't have any effect. In my hurry I didn't take care about my setup. With the short times I used the ASCOM CCD Simulator. With the QSI690 attached, I'm...
View ArticleFlats inconsistent
I ran 50 flats last night with each filter (LRGB); 5 sec exposures; and all were consistent with the Lum filter; but may were blown out in each RGB series. Does anyone have an explanation for this? I...
View ArticleUnsafe condition failed to park scope and close roof at End of Sequence options
Sorry Ken - what does that mean exactly? That infers that unsafe conditions will not park the telescope and close the roof ... really?
View ArticlePlatesolving not working
I use pinpoint for my platesolve. It worked fine in CCDAP, but under SGPro it won't work.Its always hundreds of pixels wrong.My mount is a paramount ME Any ideas? see logfile Screendump and logfile...
View ArticleNgc 6823/6820
I struggled for a while with the processing on this in PI. SGP was used for capture - of course. This really is my first attempt at a nebula with a mono camera. I'd been using a DSLR and also tried...
View ArticleRBI preflash with Moravian G3 16200
I wonder if anyone else here is using the Moravian G3-16200 As you already know, I do not use preflash.
View ArticleCan SGP use Plane Wave (PWI) autofocus software
Geoff45: OK. I've just found out that it does. Hi there @Geoff45 You have me a bit confused. If you are referring to auto focus routines, we really just use our own (proprietary SGPro routine). If you...
View ArticleAtik EFW2 Fails to report move complete + SGP failed to notify
AjayNarayanan: If you press SGP setup icon while the wheel is moving, the Atik FilterRunner pops up with a filter number of "1" irrespective of where the wheel is. Originally, SGPro disabled device...
View ArticleTime in the fits header not correct
Errabundo: I found that the developer of QHY10 drivers has abandoned the company, and nobody knows where is the source code for developing or fixing new versions! Well, that's certainly not good news.
View ArticleRepeated halting during plate solve 2
Lawrence: It would be useful for me to know what to do to avoid the circumstance (what-ever it was) re-happening.... I'm afraid upgrading to 2.5.2 is the only way to prevent it right now (the error is...
View ArticleDoes not react
We can take a look at logs with the new Atik driver if you provide them (also the ASCOM Camera logs would be good). Are you running SGPro or any of its dependencies as "Admin"?
View ArticleBug in using API for Capturing Image
mworion: Hope you can do something about it. Me too. Haven't had time just yet. When you are not using the API, like when using frame and focus in SGPro, does the camera respect the "high speed...
View ArticleUnsafe condition failed to park scope and close roof at End of Sequence options
buzz: Sorry Ken - what does that mean exactly? That infers that unsafe conditions will not park the telescope and close the roof ... really? Yes. Sarcasm is hard to covey in written form. In fixing a...
View ArticlePlatesolving not working
Your plate solves are working just fine. Not a single one failed... What is failing is that SGPro is unable to move your mount to within 20 pixels (at 2x2) of the requested position. I know that there...
View ArticleIncreasingly seeing Alert: SBIG Shutter Error
Tried it last night. Seems to be working Thanks!Chris
View ArticleDoes not react
Hello Ken, At the moment I use the Starlight Xpress Trius SX-35 camera and the SX Lodestar2 guiding camera. Since the beginning it has given problems to use two SX cameras with SGP. Since I got a new...
View ArticlePempro Polar Align Wizard and SGP Issue
OK guys, I finally had a chance to create some logs with Pempro and SGP. Same issue. I get to the azimuth measurement step and tonight only 3 plots showed up on the Pempro graph. I let it go 15min....
View ArticleDoes not react
AdSoldat: But on this site I was assured that SGP could do! Where, exactly, is this? I am not very familiar with the Atik driver software, but multi-Atik camera usage would need to be handled there...
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