Failed to save image Moravian G4 I am getting a frequent ASCOM driver error with the Moravian G4. It would not save images. See the log starting around 4:06...
View ArticleFailed to save image Moravian G4
Are there camera logs that are needed? I can't find the path.
View ArticlePillars of Creation
Scope is an EdgeHD 14 on a CGE Pro mount. Camera is a QHY9 with Optolong narrowband filters. Seeing was actually pretty poor but still manageable. The CGE Pro does an outstanding job guiding. Tim
View ArticleFailed to save image Moravian G4
Please update to the current release. There have been multiple fixea that address this issue. Thanks, Jared
View ArticleM16 - Pillars of Creation in psuedo HST palette
M16_bi colour.jpg1500x1125 1.04 MB This is M16 in bi colour taken using SGP over a month or so. Details:M: Mesu200T: Orion Optics ODK10C: QSI683 with Astrodon 3nm Ha and OIII filters 16x1800s OIII and...
View ArticleCan't connect Canon 70D in SGP
Hi Shawn,I do not have 70D or BYE but do have a 6D and the EOS utility installed.When the camera was plugged in the EOS utility automatically started grabbing the camera driver thus not making it...
View ArticleM16 - Pillars of Creation in psuedo HST palette
Well done Sara! Always one of my favorite targets. How do you like that scope? I had not heard of that company. Jared
View ArticleAlas, 'Center Here' for QHY10 broken again!
Followup on the issue ... I was able to test the latest release of SGP a few nights ago. I had the HyperStar setup up and running and SGP performed 'Center Here's flawlessly. When I returned to...
View ArticleAnyone use SGP / TSX / PHS2 on a PC stick?
Just come a bit unstuck - the M3 stick has a unique power connector. It is not standard micro or mini USB but is symmetrical. I wonder if there is a 12Volt adaptor available for it.
View ArticleM16 - Pillars of Creation in psuedo HST palette
Thanks Jared. The scope is fantastic! It's from Orion Optics in the UK.
View ArticleM16 - Pillars of Creation in psuedo HST palette
That's really nice Sara. The pillars really pop! I also am interested in the scope as I'm starting to think about more focal length. Is this image taken with a flattener in place, or is the scope...
View ArticleMeridian Flip failed.....sort of
around 3:29:38 the Flip routine got stuck and , I guess, timed out and went into Recovery Mode ...just wondering why this happened. Recovery mode worked, but it was something I had never run into...
View ArticleM16 - Pillars of Creation in psuedo HST palette
The scope is an Optimised Dall Kirkham and it has a corrector built in so there's no messing about with flatteners. There's no reducer for it, so it's 1700mm at f6.8. It's working really well and I'm...
View ArticleSequence won't after updates
You can try resetting your UI settings by running: c:\Program Files (x86)\Sequence Generator\Sequence Generator.exe /reset You can also try copying out all of your profiles into another area so they...
View ArticleAtik 383L+ driver updated - Camera cooling issues
There have been several threads with issues related to camera temperature not being reported correctly for the Atik 383L+ camera. The "Core Software" for Atik cameras has been updated July 5. In...
View ArticleAnyone use SGP / TSX / PHS2 on a PC stick?
hmm - this must be different from the atom stick? perhaps they feel that no USB adapter can supply enough current to run the M3 stick so they purposefully used a different connector.
View ArticleSequence won't after updates
Yes, but if that causes sgp to have issues you may need to rebuild the profiles. Jared
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