In Stellarium if you do keyboard Ctrl+C it will copy the coordinates to theclipboard. Then in SGP go into the target settings, right click in the RAfield and paste and it should fill in both the RA...
View ArticleWhy did SGP report "Autoguider failed to resume"?
Lcd1080: If I understand correctly all that has to be done before running a sequence in the Sequencer window. This is not really true. The manual suggests you do this as general good practice. This...
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I purchased SGP not quite 60 days ago. I think this is a really terrific product for the price. I haven't been able to use all the features, but what I have used has been worth the investment. Like...
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jcinpv: Like others, I am concerned that ASCOM may change to the point that SGP won't work anymore I'm not worried. If it did, it would more likely be backward compatible or it would create issues for...
View ArticleStellarium
Ahhhh Ha, Now I'm with you Nigel, your right, pasting into the RA box in F & M wiz just places a string of zero's in RA and Dec Temp work around then, bit long winded but at least it works for the...
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Hi Ken, First of all a big THANK YOU for developing, perfecting and maintaining this great piece of software. It is making our life much easier so we can actually sleep at night while the astro images...
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Just wanted a nice shout out that this weekend we had a large Astronomy show here in London, Ontario (Near Toronto) and when I arrived there was a nice poster for SGP at the entry table and one of the...
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RobRob: Have you consider start co-working with other developers to spread the workload? There must be more programmers amongst the SGP user base... Rob, There are 2 of us at MSS. Ken and I are...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Maybe SGP is timing out prior to the solve completing. Can you attach both the ANSVR and SGP log? Thanks,Jared
View ArticleSGP abort by sleeping user?
My SGP session from a few nights ago was terminated around 3am, while I was sleeping. I tracked down the logs to the point where a "User requested sequence abort..." is present right at the time where...
View ArticleM51 from the northern suburbs of Paris
Great job, and I appreciate your subtle coloring! That matches my taste.
View ArticleSGP and new SBIG firmware update
Has anyone updated their SBIG firmware using the 05-17-16 release and successfully connected to SGP? While I trust the new driver, I am hesitant to update the firmware until tested with SGP or...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Could you help me to find the log? I search it, but I don't know how to get.Meanwhile I attach a snapshot with an example of the problem PlateSolvedWithoutCoordinates.jpg979x577 181 KB
View ArticleAny iOptron users out there?
I use a PMX with SGP and I am thinking of purchasing a lightweight iEQ30 mount for portable use, again to be used with SGP. Are there any current compatibility issues with the mount or its ASCOM...
View ArticleM51 from the northern suburbs of Paris
That is a lovely deep and delicate image, especially from such a short exposure run in a suburb.
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
You can find the SGP logs under the "Help" menu in SGP. Also you may consider upgrading from XP. As Microsoft has dropped support for XP we no longer can support it either. Thanks,Jared
View ArticleSGP abort by sleeping user?
Gabe, Can you post your log? SGP would have closed down at the time you set relative to the PC's time. We do not take CST or CDT into account. If you tell SGP to shutdown at 3:00am we shutdown at...
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