Hi Mainsequence Software Team
A Couple of feature requests with regards to scheduling
Number 1
Some of us are restricted to what we can image at certain times, for example I only have a 3 hour window to image anything in the southern region of sky, however it gets to be about 4 minutes earlier every evening for when the object can be imaged, it is possible to add something into the Start/End times to take this into account that you want to image it earlier each session based on how early it rises etc?
Number 2
Filter Selection Scheduling, whenever it is a moonlit night, Narrowband is the way to go, however after the moon has set then you can resume normal LRGB imaging, it would be nice to be able to have in the sequence specific times for specific filters, that way I can leave my gear imaging knowing it will take care of using non-narrowband filters after moonset. I know this could probably be done using a seperate sequence, but for simplicity I like to keep a sequence for each target