Hi All
This is my first image with my new Skywatcher F4 Quattro 8-CF, the image consists of the following
19x300S - Luminance
13x300S - Red
13x300S - Green
13x300S - Blue
All frames have 25 darks and 25 flats applied also
Gear Used
Mount: Skywatcher EQ8 Pro
Imaging Scope: Skywatcher Quattro 8-CF F4 Newtonian
Guide Scope: Celestron C80ED
Imaging Camera: Atik 383L+ Mono CCD Cooled to -20C
Filter Wheel: StarlightXpress 7x36mm USB Filterwheel
Guide Camera: QHYCCD 5L-II
Software Used
Image Acquisition: Sequence Generator Pro
Guiding: PHD2
Telescope Control: EQMOD
Image Processing:
Pre-Processing: Nebulosity 3
Stacking: Maxim-DL
Post Processing: Photoshop, HLVG and GradientXterminator