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Focusing using Bahtinov mask


Hello all,
What Chris is suggesting sounds like a great Idea. One thing to bare in mind though, when SGP does an auto focus run and successfully finds best focus position for the focuser it could 'LOG' the focusers position along with current temperature when it ran. It could add to the log every time it finds a temp which is missing from the Log file thus building up a database of starting positions based on temp. This database will be unique to everyone's individual setups.

I myself when finishing an imaging session always crank the focuser tube all the way in as im sure most people do so when setting up, my focuser tube always begins at position zero and have to go through the annoying process of finding focus first. At the press of a button, SGP could consult this 'LOG File' after establishing what the current temperature is and find a focuser position based on that temp from a previously successful focusing run at that temp and auto push the focuser tube out to that position to start. Theoretically this position will be very close to focus anyway. Either SGP could run auto focus from here or run a little sequence like Chris has suggested to do any fine tune before a sequence proceeds or autofocus is invoked.

Obviously this isn't going to do a huge amount for people who don't have an autofocusing system installed but it would enhance automation which is what SGP is all about. I know the documentation states that SGP's purpose is to maintain focus throughout a session but a small feature like this could also automate the initial focus stage too.

Just a thought !


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