Focusing using Bahtinov mask
Chris: I wonder if this could be automated: Collect an imageDetect circles (the Circular Hough Transform maybe)Get the average circle radius.Move the focuser.Collect an imageDetect circles and...
View ArticleSGP abort by sleeping user?
Thanks for looking into it Jared. This is quite a mystery for me. I'm running SGP and PHD2 on a headless PC stick at my scope, so no possibility of a critter or other nefarious users interrupting the...
View ArticleSGP abort by sleeping user?
There seem to also be some concerning log messages around 2:49am. [5/20/2016 2:49:31 AM] [DEBUG] [Monitoring System Timed Message Thread] Adding sequence level notification: Failure while integrating...
View ArticleRest API for sensor data?
I'm curious if there's a way to get rest API sensor data in SGP. As we know, commercial cloud sensors are expensive, so I decided to see if I can get a home-brew cloud sensor via an IR temperature...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
pk825: I try to get the full ANSVR log. I'm not sure how to get it ANSVR logs are in the folder C:\Users\YOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Local\cygwin_ansvr\var\tmp\platesolve\ Andy
View ArticleRest API for sensor data?
I guess that depends on what you're after. If you want SGP to shutdown when it gets cloudy or starts to rain you can create an ASCOM Safety Device that polls your sensor and triggers an "Unsafe"...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
pk825: For the problem I attached in the previous post the full log (sg_log_full_astronomy_net.txt) with the whole story from start SGP to plate solve, where there are some errors....
View ArticleFocusing using Bahtinov mask
pscammp: I myself when finishing an imaging session always crank the focuser tube all the way in as im sure most people do so when setting up, my focuser tube always begins at position zero and have...
View ArticleAutofocus asymmetry
Jared makes sense regarding the likelihood that it's optics-related rather than program. I do also occasionally get a perfect parabola from upper left to upper right on the graph. I though it could be...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Thank you Andy for the hint, very usefull because it isn't easy to find the log of ANSVR. In my XP computer the directory is little different:C:\Documents and Settings\Local Settings\Application...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
I got another session and create a full log for ANSVR and SGP.As you can see in the picture attached SGP get the angle and the scale, but not the coordinates.sg_logfile_20160524215647.txt (21.1...
View ArticleRest API for sensor data?
Thanks for your reply Jared. I was thinking more like a GET request, e.g. http://restServer:port/okToImagewith a return of either 1 or 0 to indicate that it's safe or unsafe, respectively. The server...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
pk825: By the way I'm Giorgio, who translate PHD2 in italian Oh, hi Giorgio!
View ArticleFine slew after plate solving
I'm sorry for my English (I'm from Spain).First of all, I do not know if it is through the fault of my mount (Bresser Exos2 Goto, clone of a LXD75) or not. But just in case, I raise my doubt.When SQG...
View ArticleSigning off
I hope this doesn't come across as thankless as that is not my intention. But you have developed a jewel of a product. I would think software that some companies, especially those in the astronomy...
View ArticleSGP abort by sleeping user?
That's essentially saying the download timed out. I saw that it entered recovery briefly but I believe that was caused by a lost guide star. Jared
View ArticleRest API for sensor data?
So why not create an ASCOM Safety Device to access your API? The Safety Device would be pretty slim and would really just be a way for you to send back True/False to SGP. Just like you're mentioning...
View ArticleSigning off
Nikonshooter: why not sell? Because we enjoy doing this! But every once in a while it's nice to take a break. Jared
View ArticleFine slew after plate solving
You can set the error down from 50 pixels but if you do this you may need to increase the attempts depending on what your mount is capable of. Yes, we could do a nudge to the target but really that...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Giorgio, Thanks for the logs! It at least lets me see that things are going back and forth ok. I wonder if this is something with the numeric conversion and language preferences. can you take a...
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