I'm on my second night trying to understand SGPro. I am at this moment trying to get blind Plate Solving to work,
I think my problems are Windows 10 related. I am usually a Mac person.
My image is 30 minute sub, 3354 X 2529 pixels, taken with an Atik 383L OSC camera.
I have used "ansvr-setup-0.18" to install ANSVR on the C: drive.
With my WiFi turned on and "Astrometry,NET(Remote)" selected in the Blind Settings->Plate Solver Options box, my image solves in 51 seconds
With my WiFi turned on and "ANSVR(Local Astrometry.Net)" selected in the Blind Settings->Plate Solver Options box my image doesn't solve. The status bar says, "Uploadiing and solving (waiting on ANSVR). Elapsed time ....."
Any suggestions would be very welcome!