SGP and SkyX not communicating well
This thread is being closed: Vendor bashing Emotionally charged comments Intellectual property concerns. Please don't detail how to implement procedures on the forum (or use PMs if you can't resist)....
View ArticleNew / Improved Features for SGPro
Ken: API enhancement: Right now the API is designed to control equipment that is attached to it, but has little to no control over ACTIONS... like starting / stopping a sequence, running AF, centering...
View ArticleConfused Why Sequence Halted Without Attempting Recovery
I'm not 100% certain, but it is very likely that the issue identified here is the same as yours: Sequence Aborted. Why? Trying to figure out why the Sequence aborted . This has happened twice now. Is...
View ArticleSGP auto focus temperature compensation stopped working
I'd be pretty surprised (I have been before though) if it was something else. The logs indicate everything is functioning as intended (even though the temperature deltas are very small): [8/19/2016...
View ArticleNew / Improved Features for SGPro
Ken: please note that "syncless centering" will not be on the voting list because Jared and I have met and decided we will go ahead and make the effort to implement sync in this manner. That is great...
View ArticleFailure with Local Plate Solve (ANSVR)
Hello, I'm on my second night trying to understand SGPro. I am at this moment trying to get blind Plate Solving to work, I think my problems are Windows 10 related. I am usually a Mac person. My image...
View ArticleCan't recovery, “Aborting recovery thread”
Hi everyone, Last midnight I Shot NGC6888, but unexpectedly stopped. Then I scanned the log file: PHD Log:01:01:55.250 00.000 1232 Status Line: 被导星丢失 - 质心改变 (Chinese characters, means ‘Guiding star...
View ArticleFailure with Local Plate Solve (ANSVR)
This is what the ANSVR log looks like when I start up SGPro: Bob
View ArticleFeature Request: Decrement all target times by X minutes
Sorry to revive this. The last post said that this is archived because the target settings list/editor was put on the list for 2.5. Did this functionality get added? I looked for it, but I don't see...
View ArticleSequence complete
Had same trouple think its getting confused between a profile and sequence but have no idea why. a novice at CCD so learning all the time. I eventually set up a new Sequence and eventually it worked.
View ArticleSGP auto focus temperature compensation stopped working
Hi Ken, Here are some logs from tonight. I let the temp drop about .75 C, and still no movement from the focuser. I have it set to -4 steps per degrees C, so it should have moved it at least two or...
View ArticleSGP will not wait on Dither completion PHD tries to recenter star
In chatting with Marco we discovered we had the same issue, namely after a sub is downloaded, SGP gives dither command but starts the new image capture immediately, I have a setting that stops current...
View ArticleNew / Improved Features for SGPro
One more I found out,maybe it is possible, but I don't think so ... Being able to recreate mosaic from s sequence you crated with the framing wizard.Im revisiting done projects, and see extra stuff I...
View ArticleSGP will not wait on Dither completion PHD tries to recenter star
What are the settling options configured? Settle at < .2 pixels for 0 seconds? Maybe you can increase your settle seconds to 3 or more?
View ArticleSGP will not wait on Dither completion PHD tries to recenter star
That is not the issue, though it would help to counter the issue, and could be a workaround till it's fixed.It's that wright after the dither command SGP fires the next sub ... as if it thinks PHD is...
View ArticleSGP will not wait on Dither completion PHD tries to recenter star
PHD log; PHD2_GuideLog_2016-08-25_211332.txt (416.7 KB)
View ArticleSGP will not wait on Dither completion PHD tries to recenter star
Check out the log it says PHD2 returned .1 8/25/2016 10:20:28 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request...[8/25/2016 10:20:28 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] PHD2 distance request returned...
View ArticleFailure with Local Plate Solve (ANSVR)
You might have another program running on that port 8080.. Have you tried rebooting the entire machine? Here's another thread with a similar issue:...
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