Also the online version doesn't work, I upload in the post 6 a partial log where there are some errors (
In the next hour I'll make a new complete log with the test version of SGP.
[23/05/2016 20.16.40] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET: Sequence endpoint data: Astrometry.NET (Remote)
[23/05/2016 20.16.40] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET: Sequence endpoint data:
[23/05/2016 20.16.40] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET convertedAstrometry.fits path: C:\Documents and Settings\giorgio\Local Settings\Application Data\SequenceGenerator\Temp\convertedAstometry.fits
[23/05/2016 20.16.40] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - File is too large, resizing
[23/05/2016 20.16.40] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Saving file
[23/05/2016 20.16.40] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET using endpoint:
[23/05/2016 20.16.40] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Calling Async Solve
[23/05/2016 20.16.41] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET uploading file: C:\Documents and Settings\giorgio\Local Settings\Application Data\SequenceGenerator\Temp\convertedAstometry.fits
[23/05/2016 20.17.12] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Caught exception while Checking Astrometry.NET solve - CheckSubmission: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'jobs[0]', line 1, position 90.
[23/05/2016 20.17.13] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Caught exception while Checking Astrometry.NET solve - CheckSubmission: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'jobs[0]', line 1, position 90.
[23/05/2016 20.17.14] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Caught exception while Checking Astrometry.NET solve - CheckSubmission: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'jobs[0]', line 1, position 90.
[23/05/2016 20.17.15] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Caught exception while Checking Astrometry.NET solve - CheckSubmission: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'jobs[0]', line 1, position 90.
[23/05/2016 20.17.16] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Caught exception while Checking Astrometry.NET solve - CheckSubmission: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'jobs[0]', line 1, position 90.
[23/05/2016 20.17.17] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Caught exception while Checking Astrometry.NET solve - CheckSubmission: Error converting value {null} to type 'System.Int32'. Path 'jobs[0]', line 1, position 90.
[23/05/2016 20.17.19] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET - Upload complete
[23/05/2016 20.17.19] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET - Waiting for solve to complete
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET - Job successfully solved
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET solve done in 31 seconds.
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Solve Completed
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Solve Successful
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - RA: 0
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - DEC: 0
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Astrometry.NET - Scale: 1,26997155304433
[23/05/2016 20.17.30] [DEBUG] [Image Plate Solve Thread] Attempting to write fits header info for
[23/05/2016 20.17.31] [DEBUG] [Ps Status Thread] Aborting solve...