Sgp and qhyccd minicam5f -something wrong with this combo
I cut and pasted the post into the QHY forum right after I posted on SGP. They're not using ASCOM, but yes, in the ASCOM properties I checked to be sure that the GAIN was set to 4 (you can see in the...
View ArticleSgp and qhyccd minicam5f -something wrong with this combo
dts350z: Is there anything in SGP that resets the gain (like you can selectdifferent binning) that would override the ASCOM properties? No, we don't allow changing of gain or offset through SGP other...
View ArticleSgp and qhyccd minicam5f -something wrong with this combo
OK Thanks. Hopefully I will get some traction over on the QHY forum. One additional thing I noticed in comparing the fits headers, their's has EXPOSURE in ms, and SGP's in in Seconds. From my research...
View ArticleSgp and qhyccd minicam5f -something wrong with this combo
We do wait 120 second before we ask if the camera is done. So you are correct, the camera could only be exposing for 120ms without us knowing. The ASCOM camera contract specifies seconds though, so...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Thanks for the logs. That helps to isolate some things. Can you give this one a try. It still won't work. Just trying to identify where the problem lies:...
View ArticleFocusing using Bahtinov mask
Yes, quite so. That is my standard way of operating now, all all my scopes. But I have to initiate it to a good focus position when the evening starts. I can't start an automated process at 10 in the...
View ArticleSgp and qhyccd minicam5f -something wrong with this combo
Does a 120ms exposure in EZ look like the one you see in SGP?
View ArticleAlas, 'Center Here' for QHY10 broken again!
Well the clouds finally gave way after weeks of horrible weather. I was able to run some tests with the new release and It seems the 'center here' function is broken again! It...
View ArticleError on Centering has grown significantly
Hi Jared, finally had a clearing! Please see attached log. SlewError.txt (50.1 KB)
View ArticleError on Centering has grown significantly
I did not read trough the complete message thread ...But when I saw this it was related to pointing model being build, so best is that when SGP solves and sync, the mount software does not add it to...
View ArticleError on Centering has grown significantly
I have a Paramount MX - presently I'm using TPoint and not using centering, though I have in the past used the automatic centering without any issues - centering to within a few pixels in one...
View ArticleAscom errors when using SX-35 and Lodestar
Hi folks, often but not always I get Ascom errors when I have started the SX-35 as the main camera and then SGP start PHD with the Lodestar guide camera. Anybody an idea?Arie
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
First of all, thank you to try to solve a problem with a obsolete operating system.Here is the new log, here is the point:[5/26/2016 10:07:08 AM] [DEBUG] [Unknown] Astrometry.NET request:...
View ArticleError on Centering has grown significantly
Thank you, Jared. I decided to wait until the next time I am out there getting the same error I am talking about. I have too many logs and I don't want to get confused and send you the wrong one so I...
View ArticleAscom errors when using SX-35 and Lodestar
Arie,I had similar problems recently and contacted Terry at SX. I forget thereason why, but he told me to start the Lodestar first then connect themain camera. Since I started doing that I haven't...
View ArticleError on Centering has grown significantly
Kurious_George: Hi Jared, finally had a clearing! Please see attached log. As I expected it looks like we issue a slew but the mount just doesn't get there. As others have mentioned it could be the...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Well that is not expected. So it looks like half the things are coming through?! Does the online version work? It may be dying because of the "epoch" which we're not expecting but apparently doesn't...
View Article2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates
Also the online version doesn't work, I upload in the post 6 a partial log where there are some errors...
View ArticleAscom errors when using SX-35 and Lodestar
Yes I tried this too, Bur sometimes I can't start SGP when PHD is already running.....!!?!?!!?Or is this a Windows 10 problem? Or do I have to do a complete new installation?PHD 2.6.1 SGP
View ArticleError on Centering has grown significantly
Hi Jared, I don't suspect mechanical (backlash) issues because I did get single digitcentering at one time. The mechanicals are unchanged. I think it has to do something with the mount model as others...
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