Hi Jared,
I don't suspect mechanical (backlash) issues because I did get single digit
centering at one time. The mechanicals are unchanged.
I think it has to do something with the mount model as others have
mentioned. I will clear the model and try building a new one with just one
star. This will allow me to use the G11 hand controller to get reasonably
close to bright stars for focusing.
I'm curious how the mount model might affect the centering algorithm. I
assumed the overall algorithm is...
- Take a picture of where the scope is pointing now.
- Compare to the reference picture (produced from the stored reference RA
and DEC). - Calculate the differential to slew the scope.
I believe the mount model corrects an absolute RA/DEC coming in. But if
everything is done with differentials, I would suspect the mount model
correction would have no effect.