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Ascom errors when using SX-35 and Lodestar

Mostly it gives an 'exceptional error occurred' This night I tried the Lodestar getting connected in SGP but I got only ASCOM errors" even before starting SGP and even after a Windows restart! When I...

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Ascom errors when using SX-35 and Lodestar

I had some issues using the "Starlight Xpress SXV". I use "StarlightXpress Lodestar Guider (ASCOM)" without problems. But I think you would bewise to completely uninstall all drivers related to SX...

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2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates

We use .NET 4.0 for SGP. Here's another test version. If this doesn't work...well I'm not sure where to try. So fingers crossed! https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/25320932/Sequence%20Generator.exe...

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Error on Centering has grown significantly

Excellent! Glad to hear! We've always recommended NOT having a model. This just helps to enforce that. I don't really understand this behavior either as it shouldn't matter but apparently something...

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SGP and new SBIG firmware update

so should i try changing the setting? somehow i thought it had to be set up like this to use the API guider. i don't know if the main shutter actuates when no exposure is in progress and a guider...

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Ascom errors when using SX-35 and Lodestar

If you are using the ASCOM driver and can't get it to work, please some to the sxASCOM yahoo group (https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/sx-ascom). The sxASCOM driver should support two cameras without...

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Error on Centering has grown significantly

The explanation is quite simpel, the model will correct the Ra/Dec coordinates, so only in the case there is absolute no backlash, orthogonal, polar errors etc ... the model will NOT work, that's why...

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SGP and new SBIG firmware update

No, if you change it you'll likely get an error when you attempt to connect. Like I said, been a while since I looked at that code. Does the guide shutter open and close when the main imager is...

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SGP and new SBIG firmware update

no - the guide shutter stays open when the main shutter is open - i'd be long since insane if the guider were doing that all the time i guess i imagined that it was the camera firmware causing this...

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2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates

It doesn't work, I'll try to install .Net 4.0 again and look for a patch or SP.Also I'll try with an Windows 10 machine of a friend of mine.

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2.5.1 Plate solve works, but SGP doesn't get coordinates

The logs would still be helpful just to see if something changed. Thanks,Jared

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SGP and new SBIG firmware update

As long as you're connecting to an "Internal" guider we won't close the shutter while the main camera is imaging. If the imaging camera is idle we will open/close the shutter. Essentially we're...

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Ascom errors when using SX-35 and Lodestar

For SGP at least ASCOM is the only option as we don't support SX natively. I believe PHD2 supports SX directly. Not sure what mixing the two would do...but I know for my Lodestar that the ASCOM driver...

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SGP and new SBIG firmware update

This is my understanding, hopefully it is correct. Before the most recent update, the SBIG driver caused the behavior you described, that is, it acted like the guide sensor was literally "internal"...

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SGP and new SBIG firmware update

Jared, If you are in the SF Bay Area, I could loan you a STT8300M and FW8G for a couple of months. Let me know. Frank

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Error on Centering has grown significantly

As this thread and other threads have suggested, the method that SGP uses for plate solving/centering can be problematic. By doing a sync of the mount, SGP is changing the mount's sky model which is...

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Error on Centering has grown significantly

Do we know that there are any mounts for which the current SGP approach is not working well, assuming the mount does not have a pointing model? If that is in fact, true, then why would anyone want to...

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Error on Centering has grown significantly

jmacon: why would anyone want to use a pointing model? I think in fact a lot of people PAID for that feature in their mounts and now don't want to abandon it. This of course is just conjecture on my...

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Error on Centering has grown significantly

Most GOTO mounts have some sort of pointing model. When you do a 1,2, or 3 star alignment of a mount, you are creating a simple pointing model. It does not require something like TPOINT for this issue...

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Error on Centering has grown significantly

DesertSky: Thus the safest thing for SGP to do would be to avoid the sync. I don't think this would work well at all. If my initial mount position is off by 5 degrees and SGP doesn't do the sync after...

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