Error on Centering has grown significantly
freestar8n: Thanks - yes it is frustrating to see the center routine improve things on the first step - and then get stuck some distance away. Frank, is your mount also having this problem only when...
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Has anyone taken the time to contact their hardware creator about this? Just wondering what their explanation would be. We can sit here and assume a lot of things but at the end of the day we're...
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Jared: Has anyone taken the time to contact their hardware creator about this? Just wondering what their explanation would be. We can sit here and assume a lot of things but at the end of the day...
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I have a cge-pro with the latest celestron driver. The behavior I describe follows from discussions I had with the firmware writer in the teamcelestron forum. I am puzzled that people would be...
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Frank, you lost me. From your description, I get that you do not have a centering issue when your mount has an active pointing model. Is this correct? Regards,Horia
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I think everyone is having trouble understanding me because what I'm saying is so obvious it is hard to explain. Forget the pointing model. The mount is asked to go to x, y - and it lands at x+dx,...
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freestar8n: I think everyone is having trouble understanding me because what I'm saying is so obvious it is hard to explain No, I completely understand what you're saying. And even agree with you for...
View ArticleSGP and new SBIG firmware update
chasmiller46: However, when trying to get bias and dark frames from the ST-2000XCM, SGP would randomly crash. Using a sequence file with an event for bias frames and an event for dark frames,...
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jmacon: This is not a unique problem with your ST-2000XCM taking bias and dark frames. The same thing happens with the release version with both STT-8300M and Canon 6D cameras, but only when taking...
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Jared: As you mentioned it does seem like a short timeout fixes it (even just a couple of seconds). I know others have said 2 seconds did the trick. For me 2 seconds did not seem to help. Long runs...
View ArticleError on Centering has grown significantly
Thank you - that is very cool and I appreciate it. I just wish I could try it now but I will be delayed some days. But other mounts should benefit - such as Bisque mounts I guess - that have specific...
View ArticleSGP and new SBIG firmware update
ftheadley: If you are in the SF Bay Area, I could loan you a STT8300M and FW8G for a couple of months. Let me know. Frank, Thanks for the offer. But I'm in the part of Texas that likes to act like...
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I can say I have helped several people with this problem that never posted to this forum ...It is an issue, period ... now we can debate if it's a mount problem or SGP ... I would just like to see an...
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freestar8n: I expect that my problem is one that almost every mount has - but to varying degrees. It is easy to check - if you tell the mount to go to a given ra/dec - then check the mount's own...
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Hi Jared, Not sure if this helps, but here's what I see with the G11... If the G11 has no model, centering works perfectly. I can consistently center on any object in the sky to < 10 pixels within...
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Forgive my understanding on this but I thought I would share my experience I have with centering. I have celestron CGEM-DX mount and use a 8" SCT.. May camera is a ATIK 8300 OSC. My image scale is...
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I'm going to put a few comments in here, if it doesn't come out right sorry. The ASCOM Sync command can be expected to cause the mount to report the current position as the sync position and that a...
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Jared: The problematic piece is when you're 1 arcminute away from your target and the software tells the mount its location the mount then ignores this as it believes it knows better, for what ever...
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Going back to what Chris has said, given my setup with my image scale of 0.69 at 78 pixels would give me approximately and error of 54 arc-seconds. Hope I did the math correctly. To me now knowing...
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mahaffm, are you using a mount alignment model? If so, have you tried not using the model?
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