How to add the gain & offset to fits headers
It is not exposed to the ASCOM client, so we have no access to it and can't put it in the fits header. Ascom does provide access to gain, should the device implement it, but the Qhy ascom driver does...
View ArticleResume file naming in sequence?
dts350z: I guess I will look for some file name key that will be unique. I use the full date and time to give each file a unique number that will never duplicate. Also helps with sorting and trouble...
View ArticleSetting Backlash in Autofocus
Thanks Frank. However, I'm missing the most basic thing. If my focuser is at 0 when all the way in and the numbers rise as the focuser comes out - do I set backlash compensation for IN? Then, if the...
View ArticleFocussing a Starlight Express SXV H9-C
What Joel says seems perfectly reasonable to me. The camera needs an extension of something like 37mm to focus with the same focus position as a DSLR with a T ring. Rings are easily available and I...
View ArticleSetting Backlash in Autofocus
The direction, IN/OUT, is the direction of the final move of the focuser. More info in our docs: In most cases you want to use "IN" as...
View ArticleResume file naming in sequence?
dts350z: I just discovered that SGP will overwrite file, the hard way :0( This should never happen. If SGP finds that a file exists it will append a numbering sequence to the file to create a unique...
View ArticleDoes not react
Arie, I see a LOT of errors in that log with your camera. How do you have the camera connected? Are you going through a hub? Can you try a different USB cable and connect it directly to your imaging...
View ArticleResume file naming in sequence?
I was using the same sequence to take bias frames. Events for Bin 1x1 and 2x2. I re-ran the sequence 5 times, for camera gains of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4. When I went to organize the bias frames into...
View ArticleDoes not react
Hello Jared, Since a few weeks my new PC - Lenovo is on a table besides the pier. I bought ‘clicktronic’ USB cables with goldplated connectors, which should be extreme reliable, at least the price was...
View ArticleResume file naming in sequence?
I definitely see that SGP is creating new files for duplicates and renaming them correctly: [6/5/2016 2:02:19 PM] [DEBUG] [Sequence Thread] Created full file name (file does not exist):...
View ArticleResume file naming in sequence?
I'll check again tonight when I have access to that laptop. I was looking in C:\Users\SJAA\Pictures\SGP\M51\Bias and only found thenumber of files corresponding to one run of the sequence, instead of...
View ArticleIC 5070 Pelican Nebula
Thanks Ken. Time out for clouds just now....but my finger is on the button
View ArticleThe focuser module and the ASCOM Drivers
Roger,Did you get any help from JMI concerning the ASCOM driver? Thanks Wayne
View ArticleThe focuser module and the ASCOM Drivers
I just took a quick look at the JMI download page: It says that the ASCOM driver supports both relative and absolute modes. Tim
View ArticleThe focuser module and the ASCOM Drivers
Yes Wayne, JMI helped me and the ASCOM Driver now supports absolute mode. Regards, Roger
View ArticleThe focuser module and the ASCOM Drivers
Roger, That is great. Did they update the driver for downloading on their website or did you have to do something? Also, does it now work with SGP Autofocus? ThanksWayne
View ArticleSetting Backlash in Autofocus
Thanks Jared - that makes sense. There was an option to reverse the direction of the focuser in an earlier ASCOM driver but its not in the latest version. I'm contacting the company to see if they can...
View ArticleResume file naming in sequence?
OK my bad. You are right, the files are there. Not overwritten. My apologies.
View ArticleJMI Focuser and Autofocus
Did anyone ever get the JMI PC FOCUS to work with SGP? I have the control box with no encoder. I assume it is not accurate enough to get Autofocus to work?
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